I wanted to see mountains. In India!
Deepak kept going on and on during our Euro trips that I had never seen real mountains before. Just to be sure – I Googled and the Alps are real mountains. Unfortunately, we have not been there together (yet). Next time we go to Europe I will drag Deepak from airport straight to the Alps so he can see “real” mountains for himself.
Where was I, oh yes, I wanted to see mountains! In India!!
Deepak booked flight tickets to Delhi. From there we would be going by cab to Bir in the Himachal.
And train tickets for his parents to Delhi (they insisted on taking a train) where they would join us for the rest of the trip.
“Are you serious?!? You want your parents to join us on our first holiday together as a married couple! SERIOUS?!? NO! “
No use resisting to years and years of traditions. We went, WITH my in-laws.
After landing in Delhi my in laws picked us up from the airport with the cab. After reorganizing our luggage (we Indians don’t travel light) the holiday started.
Till my mother in law and I got hungry. Being Sindhi’s we don’t travel on an empty stomach. After a lavish lunch we were on our way to the “real mountains” in Bir. I really had no idea how long it would take get there.
The distance is about 600 km a distance which in Europe can be easily done in let’s say 6 hours when you drive easily. In India it takes at least 12 hours!
Having to travel this long by car is all right when the roads are similar to the German motorways. As soon we reached the mountains the road changed from highway to dirt road (going by European standards). My mother had foreseen the long drive and packed all my favourite treats and snacks for the way. The ride took ages, but we killed the time munching away all the food.

Most of the way I was tucked away on the backseat not daring to look outside and praying for our safe arrival. This all to great amusement of my mother in law.
After a long and painful drive of about 10 hours we finally arrived – without any mishaps. Thank God! (To be continued)
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